20th November | Marco Yanes for Milk Carton Kids Takeover

Tonight the Milk Carton Kids will takeover Savage with finest DJs from Hanoi.This mind bending event weaves the passion and unique styles of the team of artists into a beautiful, intricate tapestry. The select taste of all musical wizards will launch you beyond the fringe, teleporting you to an other-wordly realm.

Full line up is here:


10:00 – 4:00

The Lizard King [Milk Carton Kids // DEU]
Teodora Van Context [Atipik // SRB]
Zwi [Metro // VNM]
Patrick S [DSTRACKTD // FRA]

*Red Cube:

11:00 – 5:00

Tomes (live) [Tiny Giant // AUS]
Klaytrộn [Milk Carton Kids // USA]
Dusan [Novi Sad // SRB]
Marco Yanes [HUM // ITA]